2020 marked the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Institute of Packaging SA. To commemorate this milestone, Packaging & Print Media (PPM) were commissioned to create a 50th Anniversary profile brochure for the Institute. Our thanks go to the advertisers who appear in this 50th year profile in support of the Institute and to PPM, in particular to Gill Loubser, for creating this profile.
Just click on the image of the 50th anniversary profile below.

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The Institute of Packaging SA (IPSA) is a non-profit company, formed as an association for the benefit of packaging professionals whose aim is to promote high standards and professionalism in the packaging industry, to provide opportunities for networking and education and to promote the recognition of packaging as a profession. Key programmes and events are organised by the Institute of Packaging SA (IPSA) with the objective of furthering these aims. The IPSA Gold Pack Awards recognise outstanding achievements in packaging. The IPSA Student Gold Pack Awards are used as an educational tool and to promote packaging as a career. The IPSA One Year Diploma in Packaging Technology provides specialised training in the field of packaging. The IPSA Advanced Packaging Diploma and other custom designed courses and programmes are available to provide more specialised training and skills development in the field of packaging.
A range of seminars, workshops and conferences are held, which are intended to spotlight and debate the industry's most pressing, thought-provoking and challenging issues. Regular regional meetings include formal speaker presentations, factory visits and social events.
IPSA as a body is represented on the board of Packaging SA and enjoys close cooperation and support through this representation. Packaging SA in turn has representation on the IPSA National Executive. IPSA is a full member of the World Packaging Organisation (WPO) and the African Packaging Organisation (APO), which facilitates contact and exchange among international packaging institutes, corporations, trade associations and individuals.
Membership is open to individuals engaged in any aspect of South Africa's broadly based packaging industry, to give packaging professionals a sense of belonging and the opportunity to keep abreast of the many important issues affecting the packaging industry.