Student Gold Pack Awards





The Student Gold Pack Competition is a key aspect of the Institute's education objective. This competition specifically aims to expose students to the world of packaging and the industry at large. Through participation students tackle projects that illustrate the skills required and the challenges that the discipline offers. Project briefs are created to give students insight into the role packaging plays in the supply chain and marketing of a product as well as the benefits and functionality of packaging.


The competition is comprised of three entry categories -

Design, Packaging Technology and Food Science.

Prizes are awarded in each of these categories, which each have different project briefs and are judged individually.

Click on the image on the right to view all the 2023 winners in all three disciplines on-line. You could also downlaod and print the brochure


This annual competition opens in mid-March and culminates with a prestigious awards ceremony held in October, bringing together key players within the packaging industry, students and their lecturers, as well as relevant media partners.


Click HERE to visit the Student Gold Pack website
