Click HERE to go the the Gold Pack Awards website
Although innovation is an appealing reason for awarding Gold Pack medals, it is primarily excellence in packaging execution that creates medal winners. The categories are wide and varied and are divided into two broad groups. The first group relates to the product’s market type – from beverages and food to industrial, packaging components and packaging processes and systems. The second group is defined by packaging materials – from metals, glass and paper to rigid and flexible plastics.
WHO MAY ENTER ? Members of the Institute quailfy for a discounted entry fee if the person submitting the entry is the 'member in good standing'. Anyone may enter, however in all cases the converter and the brand owner must indicate their consent and confirmation of all the details submitted. The packaging entered must have been converted in any country in Africa. In the category of "Packaging Related" the entry must be in use or installed in any country in Africa. The local input will dominate the judges' decisions. The entry must have been in use or on sale prior to the closing date. Entries that have previously won any IPSA GOLD PACK Award are not eligible.
Click HERE to go the the Gold Pack Awards website